Debian 12 running slower than CentOS 7

Version $Id: debian-slow.html,v 1.8 2024/10/25 08:05:37 madhatta Exp $ lives in a colo, which becomes a fairly expensive undertaking if you need more than in 1U of rack space, or you draw more than half an amp (which in the UK means 120W total power consumption). So it runs on fairly minimalist hardware: a miniITX motherboard and a low-power CPU, to keep the current draw down, and a couple of bog-standard SATA drives for storage to keep the chassis size down. Given the duty cycle on teaparty, this worked perfectly fine under CentOS 7, but C7 came to end-of-life on 30/6/24, and Red Hat (under the control of IBM) was playing silly buggers with CentOS Stream. I'd decided the year before that I was going to migrate everything I controlled to Debian, and had done so. teaparty was the last system to go.

As you can see from teaparty's (externally-hosted) system status page, I downed, backed up, reinstalled, and restored the system on 11-12/3/24. As soon as the system came back into service, it was clear that we had a bad performance problem. Opening an IMAP folder took five to fifteen seconds, and interactive response in the shell often lagged by half a second or so. I started to try to get a handle on the problem.

Parametrising the problem

This is a graph of system load over the past year. I've added a couple of coloured bars at the top to aid with interpretation. The blue bar is pre-upgrade, CentOS 7 operation; the red bar is post-ugprade, Debian 12 operation before I got a handle on the problem; and the final section, without a bar, is our current, usable, Debian 12 period of operation.

Annual load You can see that it was fairly stable around 0.6 until the upgrade in March 2024, then it stayed fairly fixed around 1.3 until I got a handle on the problem in early July, at which point it reverted to pretty much pre-upgrade levels. More insight comes from the annual CPU usage graph:

Annual CPU The period of raised load corresponds with a period of increased iowait for the CPUs; normal background of 10% went up to around 30% the entire time, and if you read the legend, it maxed out at 278%. That's a lot of iowait. It's also worth noting that there's no corresponding increase in user CPU, and that there's lots of idle CPU throughout. Here are the latency graphs for the metadevice with the root partition on it:

Annual CPU It's annoying that the name of the root metadevice changed as part of the installation, so you can't see the "before" stats; but the improvement in July is very noticeable (note that this is a log-lin graph, so the fall in July is extremely significant; write latencies have fallen by nearly a factor of ten). Note also the actual level of average write IO wait time during the problem period: 0.3 to 0.4s, with a maximum (from the legend) of 23.3s; that is a dreadful wait time for a root partition; no UNIX system will run well under these circumstances.

Finally, here's a graph of memory usage. If anything, since the upgrade swap usage has decreased slightly (it was never high), "committed" memory has fallen, there's lots of memory available for file system cacheing both before and after, and inactive memory averages 3.6GB and has never fallen below 518MB.

Annual CPU

At this point, it seemed to me that the evidence pointed to an IO bottleneck, and only that; the system had no CPU or memory pressure.

Identifying the problem

My first hypothesis was that it was simply slower to write to the discs under D12 than it had been under C7. After all, we'd jumped from a 3.10 kernel to a 6.1 kernel; that's about ten years of development in a single bound, and all the system tools, utilities, and the like, jumped a similar period with it. Software generally gets bigger over time; its requirements and footprints increase, and maybe the hardware that was adequate for my duty cycle under 2014 tools wasn't adequate for one under 2024 tools.

My problem was that that was a diagnosis of exclusion, and left me nowhere to go; all I could do was shotgun the entire system and get brand-new hardware, with much chunkier discs, and see if that made the problem go away. However, in addition to being quite expensive this would also have increased my colo bill, so I tried some other, more-specific hypotheses first. I wondered if the problem was that the system was installed BIOS-booting; the BIOS code, I presumed, is old and sad, and nobody's working on it much any more. So I reinstalled the system under UEFI booting (it's quite hard to simply migrate from one to the other when you're also mirroring everything). That reinstall was done on 22/3, and as you can probably see, that didn't help; it corresponds with the second large spike in system load, because load was always much elevated during the two days it took to sync up the root RAID. After the resync spike, we returned to post-Debian-install levels.

Since I was fairly convinced the problem was IO-bound, and because I've been bitten by this before, I'd checked that my rsyslog wasn't doing a lot of file-sync-after-each-write (which is prevented by prefixing each file name in /etc/rsyslog.conf with a -). I wondered if the problem was that my motherboard had 3Gbps SATA channels. A friendly client gave me an old firewall chassis that had a similar motherboard, but with 6Gbps SATA, and I was getting ready to swap that in when I got lucky.

I had been wondering what exactly was doing all this IO. I found the tool iotop, which allows me to examine the realtime IO demand of processes in much the same way as top allows me to do it for CPU demand. iotop's in the Debian repositories (yaay Debian devs!) so installing it was easy. But running it in real-time mode (iotop -d 3) wasn't particularly edifying. I could sort of convince myself that systemd-journald cropped up a little more than anything else, but it was hardly definitive evidence. However, it gave me a new hypothesis.

Some diligent web searching led me to this ticket in the systemd github. That in turn pointed me towards iotop in accumulated-count mode (iotop -ao). I left this running for a few hours, and found that systemd-journald had accumulated about 90% of the total writes made on the system in that time. This involved nearly a gigabyte of writes to a single file, which if memory serves was /var/log/journal/LONG-HEX-NUMBER/system.journal, a file that itself was only about 30MB long. Clearly, this file was being used as some sort of scratchpad/ring-buffer-type storage. Reading the man pages revealed that the configuration option Storage=auto in /etc/systemd/journald.conf instructed systemd-journald to write to disc if the directory /var/log/journal existed, which it did; changing that variable to Storage=volatile caused it to write to memory, which I have aplenty, via the /run tmpfs file system.

I note some fairly acerbic comments in the intial exchange on that github ticket, both from Lennart Poettering, and his acolytes, who seem contemptuous of the use of iotop, and all other techniques used by the reporter, to measure the write-load of systemd. However, they fail to suggest how it should be measured instead; at one point a particularly pissy team member goes so far as to forbid the reporter from asking how to report the information they want as part of the bug reporting process. Poettering does suggest a config change before noting that it, too, won't produce useful information, but on the whole I get a pretty hostile vibe from the systemd team in the early comment exchange. The thumb icons may give some idea how the larger world feels about this.

All I can say is that I changed to using volatile storage for systemd-journald at 1025BST on 3/7/2024, and as I think the graphs show pretty tidily, the problem immediately disappeared. I'm sorry I no longer have the five-minute graph covering that period, but please believe me when I say the improvement was instantaneous. So I can say with some certainty that, at least under some circumstances, iotop is a very good tool for diagnosing whether or not systemd is giving you a write bottleneck.

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